My YouTube Ad Formula for Network Marketing…

“1,671 people.   That’s how many people applied for more information for our opportunity in a 30 day period.     We recruited more of them in 30 days than “top recruiters” will in a year…   And we made 6 figures doing it.   In 30 days.     So, if you’re trying to…

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How To Crush YouTube Ads in Network Marketing…

It’s no secret that Facebook ads are a PITA for network marketers (and basically every other form of business opportunity out there).   However, they’re still the best form of advertising if you’re spending less than $200-$300 per day.   Translation: They’re the highest performing form of advertising if your goal is to recruit under 30…

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Don’t Waste Your Time With These Prospects (Most Do)

It’s a sad fact in Network Marketing that we’re taught to market to friends and family and overall – people who have never expressed an interest in our business model.   See, in REAL marketing, attempting to sell someone something they haven’t expressed interest in is…   EXPENSIVE.   That’s why ONLY big brands do…

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My Secret To Going Full Time in MLM Fast…

Most MLMers are broke because they aren’t able to sustain themselves while building.   It takes a long time to build a team that makes enough money for you to live on.    The secret to speeding this up while maintaining a good culture that’s built on a rock (retention) is to make money UPFRONT from your…

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The MOST Important Part of A Successful MLM Funnel.

Your funnel doesn’t really matter.   And slaving over the design of it in the beginning is a giant waste of time.   See, no prospect actually cares about the button colors, how long it took you to build or who you funnel hacked.   They only care about one thing: Will it get them…

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How You Can Prospect 10 Strangers A Week in Network Marketing…

In normal MLM, prospecting 10 per week is an accomplishment.   We don’t even think about it here.   Literally. It’s automated.   As I’ve mentioned before, if you are taking your personal time to prospect, your time is not being used effectively.    You are far more valuable than sifting through unqualified people.  …

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Go Where You’re Celebrated Not Tolerated

The fastest way to depression in network marketing is by spending time with people who don’t actually want you to help them.   I’m sure you’ve done it. I know I have and I don’t know any networker who didn’t do it for at least a few months. Most do it for years… if they…

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How To Target Your Network Marketing Facebook Ads…

Successful Facebook ads is 50% messaging (the copy) and 50% targeting.   That’s not the case with every platform but it is with Facebook.   We’ve spent hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars on Facebook ads and I can tell you flat out that a crappy ad with a good target is pretty likely…

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How To Build An Actual Company

“Treating it like a business” doesn’t mean going to the next event. Or buying your upline’s favorite book.   Treating it like a business means growing your team like a CEO of a huge corporation would.   Figuring out how to spend a horse load of money on marketing and monetizing it so he makes…

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