“Other People’s Results” is the title of one of my latest YouTube ads that’s been bringing in hundreds of leads...
As you may know, we’ve been venturing into the world of YouTube ads to diversify from Facebook and Instagram in case we ever get shut down.
You’ve heard me talk before that you must diversify your traffic sources once you have success in one. And the obvious reason for that is so that if you ever get shut down on one, your business continues to thrive.
The not as obvious one is that it helps shield you from ad cost fluctuations on individual platforms on a daily basis.
While we have higher performing ads, this is one of my favorites because it showcases some new people’s results that are frankly…
Not only that but it’s helped relieve the reliance on good ol’ Zuckerberg.

Now, before you go off and try to make it happen on YouTube, I highly suggest getting good results on Facebook. The targeting on Facebook is much more robust and quite frankly, mastering YouTube has been an expensive endeavor.
If you chase two rabbits, they both escape. And that holds true if you’re trying to chase mastery in two platforms at one time.
See, before we ventured into Instagram ads, YouTube ads or SEO, we mastered Facebook.
In fact, we spent nearly 5 years ONLY using Facebook ads.
Scaling a funnel big time ultimately comes down to optimizing every inch of ONE funnel down to the .01%
Not from chasing a 1000 different funnels.
Or a 1000 different traffic sources.
Anyway, here is the ad again so you can see how we structured it and the results of some of our new people.
Talk soon