You know we’re a faith based family with no apologies. Christmas is a time to remember and celebrate the fact that we got EVERYTHING for the price of nothing.


Obviously, I can’t give you anything remotely close to what Christ gave us but I can give you “everything” it really took for us to own our own life.


You’ve probably seen over the last few days, I’ve revealed my exact process on how to recruit 30 people per month personally using ads and a simple sales funnel.


Not only that but I’ve also showed you how to duplicate it through your team no matter where you’re at now.


In fact, the duplication lesson itself could easily save you 1-2 years of pain because it took us about 18 months to identify and solve the duplication issue in our team.


Bottom line is I don’t want you to miss this.


So I’ve put together all three lessons for you to access here:


Now, IF you apply this UNTIL it produces the results you’re looking for, there will be a Christmas in the near future where you do not dread what comes after the PTO is over…


Because you won’t have PTO. Bye bye boss. Bye bye stupid rules, regulations and… strong recommendations…


Now, the weakness of this training is that it’s entirely free. And most people don’t do anything with something that’s free.


I’m telling you, this is EXACTLY what we’re doing to build our business on a daily basis.


This type of information is what we’ve been offered $1500/hour just to verbally talk through with a sketched diagram.


If you treat this as if you’re paying $1500 an hour to listen, you hold the keys to a 6-figure per month business.


Here it is:


With that, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. We appreciate you immensely.


Talk soon,



Zach Spear signature

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