1. Schedule and Focus
  • Lesson Progress (1 of 1)




-Put the time in. Where is your time going? Is it going to your primary purpose? FIGURE this out!! If your purpose is family - do that! But must do this. You have to make sacrifices or the things you want the most will be sacrificed.

-Are you in fire mode? Are you checking your phone, checking stats, getting interrupted? This compounds and your biggest benefits come from here.

-During non-work times, don't do anything that is work during this time. 80/20. (all about working, then recovery)

-You should only be doing 3 things - work, recovering from it, doing important things (family, hobbies whatever)

-80/20. Eliminate everything possible - Time vampires — BS, TV, social media, texting etc. Will you really look back on your life being excited about the social media scrolling?

-Protect your time. Deep work takes 1 hour to get into. For the first 4 hours you are at your most productive.

-Have a routine for morning, clothes, food.

-Wasting 1 hour per day = 12 days per year. Would you rather take a 2 week vacation w/family or do the dishes?


-Two types of thinking. Type 1 is theory (not effective but planning the tracks). Type 2 is a straight line that is detrimental to be interrupted.

-The #1 thing is focus. If something doesn't help you in your goal, kill it.

-Dopamine hits from your phone are far more powerful than business and you get it with no work, which is why you want to check it. But it will not make you happy. Video games work the same way. Your brain forces you to do TV, video games etc because it's easier. Plus from social media, you get social recognition which really F's you up. Your brain doesn't know this F's up your goals it just knows it wants more.

-Big obvious ones to kill - Stupid friends, gossip, drinking, tv, social, video games, multiple businesses/projects.

-Just a phone on the table steals attention. Clean up your phone and computer. No notifications. Every time you're distracted you lose 30 IQ points for 15 minutes. (Notifications move you into type 1 thinking)

-Meditate — free up your ram.

-Do NOT combine anything. Don't check business with family and vice versa. One thing at a time. Explain this to them.

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