The Psychology Behind Your Picture/Video Creative

What to actually make...

1. Psychology Behind Your Creative...
  • Lesson Progress (0 of 1)


Lesson Materials:

Do NOT make a video at to start.
Create an"ad looking ad" first with a STATIC image. This is to dial in your messaging.


Once that is performing well, split test it against a native style picture.


Once you have determined your winner, try to beat it with a video.


Bottom line - Dial in your messaging with a static picture, NOT a video. A video can return better results but has a much higher likelihood of failure if the messaging is off. Too high of risk to start with it.

You'll need a ClickFunnels account to build alongside me. You can get a free 14 day trial by clicking here or just login to your existing account.

This is VERY swipe file intensive. Be sure to study the swipe file Facebook ads section and cross reference the format with those ads. You can see the swipe file here.
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