1. What it takes to win |
2. How to win- From a Rebels Internal Team Call (BONUS) |
-My purpose here is to make you lots of money in MLM and recruit lots of
people. Most people try to be successful without pain. Not possible.
-You're a racecar. Need to beat other cars and get there fast. Output and efficiency.
-Working harder is the easy part
-Sacrifice is hard. Things like sacrifice are hard for a reason
-Paradox of success
-You're probably the most ambitious or successful person you ever met. If you got into college ball it's because you were smarter/better than other HS'ers. If you're successful in some way
-You're smarter and more talented than most people. Didn't need discipline. Once you're in the pros
- Talent won't move you forward. The separating line is optimization not talent. Must optimize your life, business and structure.
-The way you win is by beating other people. Ads/funnels is a zero sum game. It's an auction, either you get the traffic or you don't.
-Most people are trying to be successful without sacrificing.
- John D. Rockefeller- Optimized EVERYTHING
-You're just going to have to be better to win. Body, mind, work habits, discipline.
-racecar - time, focus - remove everything from life that is not goal.