Multi-day report
Why, What, and How
Why Reports and Long Form Copy Still Work:
-They allow you to go into depth on your topic
-When you deliver valuable information that truly helps people, it builds trust with your audience
-Allows you to include tips from experts & influencers
-It positions you as an authority
Pick Your Form...
-Report Style
How to Get Started
1) Outline your goals - refer back to your profiling questions in the Master Class
2) Declare your topic - you should have decided on this in the Master Class
3) Start writing - refer to Zach's long form sales page video in the Master Class Lesson #3
*Just start writing...clean up & organize the copy later
4) Edit- organize your stories, clean up your flow, remove unnecessary words & phrases
5) Design your appearance
6) Promote your report, guidebook, or eBook
Check Out One of Zach's Very First Lead Magnets:

-Be concise while conveying adequate information
Decide How You Will Deliver the Videos to the End Users
-Daily Email Sequence
-Drip Membership Site (Set timers for when videos are unlocked)
-Landing Page behind an opt-in
-Save the report as a PDF and export it. Then either design the cover yourself or have someone on Fiverr do it for $5 using the training below.
1. Multi-day Report |