Creating a video presentation
1. Overview |
2. Marketing & diagnosis Q's |
3. Pertinent Questions |
4. Creating the Presentation |
5. Editing and Uploading |
Goal: Have an encompassing presentation that showcases your opportunity that is both informative and persuasive to the correct target.
1st - Buy Expert Secrets and read it. You must do this. I can't teach on something I don't own, but I can tell you how to apply it to this if you understand the principles.
2nd - Answer all the pertinent questions to making your presentation. This will make life so much easier when making the presentation.
3rd - Craft keynote/powerpoint.
4th - Deliver it.
5th - Edit it.
6th - Use it!
10 Marketing and Diagnosis Questions
Pertinent Questions
Creating the Presentation
As discussed in the above video:
Write every word if you need to. Don’t have to.
-Intro/ Title Slide
-Joke / They make a promise.
-Testimonial (if you have it)
-Who is this for
-My Goal
-Origin Story - 20 min (Beginning up to this point.)
-Secrets - 15 min each
-Stack- 15-30 minutes.
Keynote Slides:
By downloading our slides you are agreeing not to use anything defined as "Intellectual Property" for your own commercial use. This includes copy, offer structure, content
Presentation Examples:
Editing and Uploading the Presentation
Congratulations on your completed presentation!!