Creating a video presentation

1. Overview
2. Marketing & diagnosis Q's
3. Pertinent Questions
4. Creating the Presentation
5. Editing and Uploading
  • Lesson Progress (4 of 5)



Goal: Have an encompassing presentation that showcases your opportunity that is both informative and persuasive to the correct target.

1st - Buy Expert Secrets and read it. You must do this. I can't teach on something I don't own, but I can tell you how to apply it to this if you understand the principles.

2nd - Answer all the pertinent questions to making your presentation. This will make life so much easier when making the presentation.

3rd - Craft keynote/powerpoint.

4th - Deliver it.

5th - Edit it.

6th - Use it!

10 Marketing and Diagnosis Questions

Pertinent Questions

Creating the Presentation

As discussed in the above video:

Write every word if you need to. Don’t have to.

-Intro/ Title Slide

-Joke / They make a promise.


-Testimonial (if you have it)

-Who is this for

-My Goal


-Origin Story - 20 min (Beginning up to this point.)

-Secrets - 15 min each

-Stack- 15-30 minutes.

Keynote Slides:

By downloading our slides you are agreeing not to use anything defined as "Intellectual Property" for your own commercial use. This includes copy, offer structure, content 

structure and images. 
This is for reference only.

Presentation Examples:

Editing and Uploading the Presentation

Congratulations on your completed presentation!!

Your content goes here