Building Your Registration Process...
1. Building your registration process |
2. My Thank you page video |
Lesson Materials:
Note: The above download includes your order pages for a future lesson.
Watch video for explanation.
Included below is the Thank you page copy for my webinar. This is for reference only.
1. Check your email right now...
And Make SURE You Got A Confirmation. So You Can Actually Get In. (Not Sure When We're Hosting Another One, You Do NOT Want To Miss This.
2. Watch the video...
3. Read the warning below...
4. Then join the conversation and brand new Facebook group here!
Lastly, I'll Be Sending You Some "Pre Webinar Study Material" You Need To Review Before The Webclass.
This Could Change Everything For You...
Now I Have To Give You A Blatant WARNING:
You Should NOT Attend This Webinar If You Are Totally Committed
To Your Company.
What you will learn will completely screw with you and your commitment to ANY other method of building MLM. It will seem inferior and you will not be able to forget this. It will be akin to seeing MLM for the first time… (except this way works)
If you are 100% stone cold committed and sold out to your company… we offer a private coaching program to those in other companies at a larger investment. You can fill out this form to speak with us.
At the end of the day, I want to serve YOU. Not screw you up.
Now this webinar will not only unveil the system but will also show you how it works within our NEW MLM company that embraces what we can do. (Since most companies don’t and never will)
Who should attend:
MLMers past or present who want to do something NEW. Who believe in MLM but want to build a home business that’s actually built at HOME. Who want to use online marketing to build their business but don’t know how and would like to use our proven system rather than try to build something unproven.
Remember the warning.
See you there,
Zach Spear
P.S. - If you're building your business using the phone in any way right now, we've developed the "Perfect MLM Script" you can use to get maximum results from your efforts while minimizing rejection! In fact, we're giving these away right now for FREE, we just ask that you pay shipping. You can get that by clicking here:
(Remember, on the upcoming webinar, we are NOT talking about building offline or using the phone in any way whatsoever. We are revealing my weird, "crazy" MLM formula that pays (Big) Immediately, duplicates automatically and laughs at home/hotel meetings... and does so WITHOUT my friends & family even knowing I'm in an MLM!)