Spear Media

Linkedin Free Traffic: Profile Optimization

Remember...People don’t go to your profile bc they are looking for NWM companies to join!

1. Optimize Your Profile
  • Lesson Progress (0 of 1)


Lesson Materials:

Remember that people don’t go to your profile bc they are looking for NWM companies to join.

People are generally spending time on Linkedin bc they are prospecting and/or they are checking you out to see what your intentions are.

2 Things To Get Right:

1.) When it comes to your picture/s share something to create a level of buy in, social proof, and/or influence:

--> Make your profile picture all about YOU.
--> Don't create some staged version of yourself.
--> Make it a shot of you in ACTION!


2) When it comes to your description share vulnerabilities and be authentic in order to a create a bond with the PERSON on the other side of the screen.

--> Make it about YOU!
--> Find the things you have in common with your ideal client and exploit that!
--> Make them feel like they are saying no to themselves!
Jimmy-Coleman (1)

Jimmy Coleman

On Linkedin As:

Jimmy Coleman 

Chief Giving Officer, Grow & Give Co
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