Spear Media

Interview Lead Magnet: Interview Style Lead Magnet

1. How To Of Interviewing
  • Lesson Progress (0 of 1)


Lesson Materials:

What, How, & Where...

Pick What Interviews You Want To Compile

Decide do you want to:
Compile personal one-on-one interviews that you conduct? If so, you can ask a series of the same questions to different successful people the topic you previously selected.
Or based on your topic you can pick a handful of experts who have interview content already out thereand bring it into one place and deliver it across the same vehicle; audio, written, video, etc [A number of people have done this with other people's podcast].

How To Put Together Your Interviews:

--> Define your goals - use the profiling questions you completed in the master class as your guide

--> Finalize your topic - you should have picked this in the master class
--> Research who are the experts or people out there who have results on this topics
--> Reach out to those people and let them know you would like to conduct an interview with them (TIPS: make it personal, call out why you would like to speak with them, edify their work/results, let them know why you are trying to help, take ALL the thinking out of it for them. Provide exact times whey you can connect, set the time duration (keep it on the shorter side), and provide the exact questions you will ask (make sure the answers are not already out there and available).
--> Conduct the interviews - Be professional, be flexible but stay on track or get back on track ASAP. Don't add your own stories/input/relate to their answers (you asked them to speak for a reason). Ask questions from the perspective of your listeners or readers.
--> Edit the interviews
--> Strategize which order you will release the interviews
--> Don't forget to send a heart felt and personal thank you to the interviewee's

Expert Interview Compilation

--> Define your goals - use the profiling questions you completed in earlier lessons as your guide

--> Finalize your topic/s - you should have picked this in the master class

--> Decide how many days you want to release your content for (5 days, 14 days, 30 days) this will help you determine how much content you need.

--> Research what interviews experts/people with results already have out there

--> Pick the interviews that best relate to your topic and end goal

--> Decide will you use the entire interviews or break up the information

--> Always give credit to the interview source

Decide How You Will Deliver the Interviews To The End Users

  • Daily Email Sequence
  • Drip Membership Site (Set timers for when videos are unlocked)
  • Landing Page behind an opt-in


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You Suddenly Lose Everything - Russell Brunson

Russell complied a series of interviews from his 2 comma club winners. He asked them if they lost everything, what would they do from day 1 to day 30 to save themselves.


Tool of Titans - Tim Ferriss

Tim took excerpts from dozens of his podcast episodes from high level performers and summarized the tactical routines and habits that make them world class performers.

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