Multi-Day Report Lead Magnet: Multi-Day Report
Lesson Materials:
Why, What, & How...
Why Reports & Long Form Copy Still Work...
- They allow you to go into depth on your topic
- When you deliver valuable information that truly helps people it builds trust with your audience
- Allows you to include tips from experts & influencers
- It positions you as an authority
Pick Your Form...
--> Report Style
--> eBook
--> Guidebook
How To Get Started!
1) Outline your goals - refer back to your profiling questions in the Master Class
2) Declare your topic - you should have decided on this in the Master Class
3) Start writing - refer to Zach's long form sales page video in the Master Class Lesson #3
*Just start writing...clean up & organize the copy later
4) Edit; organize your stories, clean up your flow, remove unnecessary words & phrases
5) Design your appearance
6) Promote your report, guidebook, or eBook
Check Out One Of Zach's Very First Lead Magnets:
Be concise while conveying adequate information
Support multiple forms of reading; scanning, partial attention, and engaged attention (do this through spacing, bold words & phrases, caps, etc)
Get the reader to mentally agree with you on several points along the way.
Trim out all the excess, superfluous writing that distracts from the purpose of getting reader take one small step toward you or toward yes.
Don’t make people think. Except when you really want them to think. - Perry Marshall
Focus on stirring people's hearts until you want them to do something.
It should read at a 5th or 8th grade level (10-13)
Talk about the reader more than you talk about yourself
Decide How You Will Deliver the Video's To The End Users:
- Daily Email Sequence
- Drip Membership Site (Set timers for when videos are unlocked)
- Landing Page behind an opt-in
- Save the report as a PDF and export it. Then either design the cover yourself or have someone on Fiverr do it for $5 using the training below.