Spear Media

Building Your Lead Magnet Landing Page

1. Building Your Landing Page
2. Writing Landing/Squeeze Page Copy!
3. Writing Your Facebook Ad Headline & Newsfeed Description
4. How To Write A Killer Long Form Sales Page:
  • Lesson Progress (0 of 4)


Lesson Materials:

This is where your prospect goes to learn more about your lead magnet offer. Remember we still need to write the copy for the landing page. That's in the next lesson. If you're just starting in online marketing, it's typically easier to build the page first with placeholder text and then write the copy. As you get more advanced, it's easier to write it, then build it.

Download My Templates!!

This is something I wasn't sure if we'd actually do because it's what differentiates us from everyone else out there. But, I want to make sure you have the BEST chance of success imaginable. So I'm going to GIVE YOU my best performing landing pages that you can download right into your own account.

Obviously DO NOT share these with ANYONE. These are ONLY for Rebels 2.0 members. Sharing these will not only put you on the very naughty list with me, but it'll shoot you in the foot.

This is a very simple landing page. Probably my least favorite as it's not pretty. But it's abnormally effective for pulling immediate phone numbers. We're not really doing that with this campaign but if for some reason you NEED a phone number immediately (it will slow down conversions) then this is a good one.

There are TWO landers in here. One of them is the one we built in the video above. The other is the template I CURRENTLY USE for my webinar registration. It's very effective. But it requires more copy, thus more room for error. But if you're willing to put the work in to write the "3 secrets" - It's highly effective.

(This green button also downloads the application page you'll be using.)

Note:This is the same video from the Marketing 301 section (in case you already watched it)

Before writing a word of copy, you NEED to complete the customer profiling questions. Download and answer those below...

To edit the document, just click "file" and make a copy.

Remember, you're looking to make a BIG (honest, obviously) claim followed by destroying their number 1 objections. This is why it is EXTREMELY important to answer those profiling questions. If you don't, you'll have a hard time creating the "Without" statements.

You will learn how your lead magnet will be delivered in the "deploy" steps in future modules depending on what type of lead magnet you use.

FB Ad copy, set up, scaling, picture creative, etc will be taught in the FB Masterclass Module.

You'll need a ClickFunnels account to build alongside me. You can get a free 14 day trial by clicking here or just login to your existing account.

This is VERY swipe file intensive. Be sure to study the swipe file Facebook ads section and cross reference the format with those ads. You can see the swipe file here.


Taking your landing/squeeze page copy one step further...

As a Rebels member, I'm going to give you my 24 part copywriting

formula that I use for myself. It's distilled from some of the biggest and best copywriting greats. I don't claim to be the best, I just learned from the best and complied what I got the best results with into this formula.

You can view the document with explanations I'm referencing in the video by clicking here.

You can view the complete sales page by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this!

I love this book for learning and studying copywriting. "Ultimate sales letter" By Dan Kennedy. Also, study great copywriters like Frank Kern, Gary Halbert, Perry Marshall and Mike Dillard.

They're some of the best I've ever seen.

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