In normal MLM, prospecting 10 per week is an accomplishment.
We don’t even think about it here.
Literally. It’s automated.
As I’ve mentioned before, if you are taking your personal time to prospect, your time is not being used effectively. 
You are far more valuable than sifting through unqualified people.
Your time should be spent enrolling new reps and leading your team.
But in order to do that, you have to solve the prospecting problem once and for all…

This is how you do it:


As you can tell, I’m not just going to show you how to get 10 prospects per week on autopilot…


I’m going to show you how to get as many as you can possibly handle.


The stories are countless of Rebels members needing to turn down their flow because they had too many prospects coming in.


So, cancel your plans to go Facebook group stalking (I know you didn’t want to anyway)


Hang up the cold-contacting shoes.


And let’s get to work.


Here’s the lesson:


Talk soon,



Zach Spear signature

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