If I had to start over and needed to get to $10k - $20k/mo to support myself immediately, this is exactly what I’d do.

Quick disclaimer: You won’t do this if you’re lazy, have no experience or aren’t a freakin’ boss. No one who’s not exceptional gets amazing results.

But here’s the bottom line:

1. Silence ALL of the old school network marketing voices. Including my upline. Sorry but they’re not paying for my kids food, diapers and housing. I AM.

2. Focus on an application funnel with a system of growth sale of at least $1,000. I’d sell 20/month with a close rate of 20 - 30% and make $10k/month.

3. I’d avoid a fully automated system right now. Too much to go wrong.

4. I’d focus 2-3 weeks of my 90 days to develop a proper blue ocean with a starving market.

5. I’d focus on ONE ad network - Facebook ads.

6. I’d send out leads to my team and have them share in the cost so we could duplicate faster.

Seriously, you don’t need to complicate it more than that.

I’m telling you - I wouldn’t mess with lead gen forms on Facebook, I’d avoid messenger ads like the plague and I wouldn’t post ONE SINGLE thing on any social profile.

If I had 90 days to support my family, you better believe I’m cutting ALL OF THE FAT.

Once again, here’s the video I just made explaining this in its entirety.

And if you’re like me and want to actually put this together ASAP even if you don’t “need” the money, I’d follow the Blueprint step by step. It’s an even beefier guide to doing this in YOUR OWN company from someone who’s been there done that and still doing it.

And if you’ve already got the Blueprint - it’s time to get to work. Don’t over complicate it.

Cut the fat and let’s get you in the major profit zone.

Talk soon,


Zach Spear signature

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