I used to be pumped to get a 25% optin rate and honestly you should too if you’re just starting out.
But when you’ve spent years refining an optin page and your ads, you can stand head and shoulders above the competition just by sheer time and money invested.
This funnel over the last few months got me 77%+ optin rate.
The stats say 100%+ but that’s with a bunch of duplicate optins.
When you boil it down, a really successful campaign comes down to a bunch of “cogs” in the machine that are hyper optimized.
The ads, the optin page, the deliverable, the application, the pitch, the enrollment and the experience.
And the ONLY way you can win long term is by optimizing all of them.
The most obvious thing to work on outside of ads is the first thing a prospect sees - the landing page. The first real look at your business.
It’s obviously important.
I go over my strategy to building landing pages in this video:

But at the end of the day, building a really solid landing page just comes down to good copy, a great product (or opportunity) market fit and optimization.
It’s honestly not that hard.
But in order for something to no longer be hard, you have to do it until the simplicity reveals itself to you.
So watch this video and build a split test!
Talk soon,