Just wanted to say happy New Years from the Spear family to yours.



2021 has been interesting to say the least. An extension of 2020 in some ways and a new world in others...


But one thing hasn't changed: If you're reading this, you're alive and if your heart is beating, we believe God isn't done with you yet.


We believe there are people out there that are starving for your message. Starving for you to serve them.


For the last 10 years, we've ended every year with a multi-day reflection on the previous year as well as a strategy for the following year.


The first few years it was exciting...


The next few it wasn't.


Because I was in the same spot every year.


Then a few years back, we had our breakthrough. We went full time. My reflection time took another leap and became invigorating again.


I suggest everyone take up this special reflection time. But even if you don't, I pray that 2022 is your best year yet.


If you're reading this, we love and appreciate you more than you know.


From our family to yours,


Zach, Ashley and Bellamy.


Zach Spear signature

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